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The San Experience at Harnas

Nick van der Merwe could speak the ancient San language and, due to this, he intimately understood their culture. His daughter, Marlice, grew up speaking the San language. Indeed, she spoke this beautiful vernacular before she could speak her mother tongue of Afrikaans.

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Harnas has a large community of San people living on the property, some of these families having been at Harnas for over 50 years. It is our vision at Harnas to empower and protect the San people who work with us. This is accomplished by providing them with education for their children, healthcare through the Lifeline Clinic, and job opportunities.

Harnas is one of only a few places in Namibia where you can enjoy an authentic San experience - steeped in ancient traditions and the magic of the world's most ancient culture. We work closely with a family group of San from the Doupos area in Namibia's northeast. This family group stays at Harnas and teaches the younger San generations those skills and traditions that would otherwise be lost in today's modern world. This unique setup allows guests to enter the world of the San and experience a bygone culture that Harnas strives to keep alive. 

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You can book this exceptional, life-changing activity at Harnas or contact us directly. Just what foods do the San eat? What traditional medicines do they use? How do they hunt? What are the secrets of their extraordinary tracking skills? How did they live thousands of years ago? Let Harnas' Ancient San Skills Academy reveal the fascinating answers. The San - the world's most ancient culture; planet earth's most respectful people. We can only learn from a people whose intrinsic connection to nature should be revered and held as Mother Earth's saving grace. 

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